The flatter broader end is the acromial extremity which articulates with the acromion process of the scapula the superior surface of the acromial extremity is smoother than its inferior surface which can help you determine whether a particular scapula.
Siding a clavicle.
I describe the acromial end as smashed and the sternal end as patted.
There are a few main points to consider when siding a clavicle.
Clavicle fractures are classified into three types based on the location of the fracture.
The medial end is rounded whilst the lateral side is flattened.
The clavicle is the first bone to ossify around the fifth to seventh weeks in utero moseley 1968.
Ogata and uhthoff 1990 it is also the last bone to fully unite around the 22nd to 25th years rockwood et al 2006.
Clavicle anatomy general features osteology attachments development clinical anatomy duration.
A clavicle fracture is diagnosed through a physical examination and x rays.
Most irregularities are roughenings are on the inferior edge of the.
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After a couple years of teaching a p i transitioned to describing the acromial end.
1 near the sternum least common 2 near the ac joint second most common or 3 in the middle of the bone between the sternum and ac joint most common.
Radial tuberosity bump anterior nutrient foramen on the side oblique line interosseous crest distal ulnar notch radial articular surface all facing anterior ulna articulates with the humerus and the radius proximally and the radius distally.
The clavicle is often broken during a trip or a fall as the bone is so close to the skin and acts as a supporting strut marsland kapoor 2008.
Facet for the first costal cartilages is on the edge of the medial clavicle and the costal tuberosity is also inferior the lateral end of the clavicle is most often mistaken for the in fragmentary specimens.