So no it won t be as long a playthrough.
Siding with legion or ncr.
I was thinking that going with the legion might be a better idea since i can scavenge guns from dead ncr but if ncr shops sell better guns than what you get from killing ncr soldiers then i would actually be worse off.
Playing as a female courier and siding with the legion will be one of the first times a woman took part in the fighting.
The legionaries use trappings of roman culture but these are not imposed on the legion s civilian subjects.
Side missions man some of them do give out good rewards once you finish them.
3 has spies in the ncr players can discover that a captain in the ncr.
The legion uses trappings of the ancient roman empire as part of a unifying identity imposed on its tribes but does not recreate any cultural social or political institutions of.
Why would you be entering an ncr town to talk to people.
Completing restoring hope oh my papa by breaking up the legion alliance or i put a spell on you by siding with the ncr and speaking to caesar after this warning or speaking to caesar again after failing to confess all crimes will result in legion infamy and the legion permanently going hostile.
Note that certain scripts such as caesar s.
I m asking because i m currently playing a character specializing in guns and i m leaning towards siding with the legion.
With the content in the game the legion really isn t worth siding with from a gameplay perspective and lorewise it depends on if you want to go by with the developers intended versus what the game provides.
Completing restoring hope oh my papa by breaking up the legion alliance or i put a spell on you by siding with the ncr and speaking to caesar after this warning or speaking to caesar again after failing to confess all crimes will result in legion infamy and the legion permanently going hostile.
Caesar s legion is an imperialistic dictatorship over the american southwest founded in 2247 by edward sallow and joshua graham inspired and partially based on the ancient roman empire the legion is an ultra reactionary utilitarian slave army supported by several tributary populations.
Note that certain scripts such as caesar s.
The legion doesn t have as many missions as the ncr because the developers ran out of time to implement them.
The only way you can make the bos join the ncr is by doing the main elder quest and don t do the optional quest replace the current elder with hardin after you finish all of the quest the lockdown will started wait outside for a couple of day and go back in then go to the elder and talk to him there will be a dialog saying the ncr still want to destroy you after you choose that dialog.
Not really a whole lot of side quests either that are unique to the legion but a couple do have a legion side so that s cool.