Moves objects and deletes you couldnt before.
Sims 2 place roofs through objects cheat.
Moveobjects on off puts the game in slow motion.
If you want to you can just as easily fart around and do nothing more constructive than play.
This cheat is fairly limited in usefulness.
This page contains a list of cheats codes easter eggs tips and other secrets for the sims 2 for pc if you ve discovered a cheat you d like to add to the page or have a correction please.
Enter any number that 0 through 8 0 fastest and 8 slowest slowmotion.
During play hold shift and click on a sim to bring up the debug menu.
With the base game we are somewhat limited in the available roof pieces but as the game progresses more choice may be added.
Many builders falter when it comes to building a roof on their sim houses but it needn t be a chore.
By default the sims 2 allow you to built up to 5 levels.
Enter debug mode and go to create a sim.
Sethighestallowedlevel number sets the amount of floors allowed the sims 2.
Sims will revert to their default heights upon exiting the lot.
Sims may not be able to use objects placed at a 45 degree angle correctly and objects may clip into each other when placed at this angle.
The sims 2 university cheats.
Access the cheat menu and enter boolprop testingcheatsenabled true.
Exit closes cheat window expand expands or contracts cheat window kaching get 1000 cash help all list cheats autopatch on off lets you know if theres a patch moveobjects on off moves objects.
Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood.
Making nice roofs by norma blackburn click to enlarge.
This means houses like basement 3 floors roof or terrace.
On the other hand what kind of mutant goes to university just to study.
Boolprop lotterrainlighting true false set to false to place floor tiles outside lot.
It s okay if you would like shorter or taller sims but you cannot change anyone too much or the animations will start to look wrong.
You can eliminate the basement or built an underground floor inside basement.
Stretchskeleton 0 0 2 0 use to stretch or squash your sims to change their height.
Roofslopeangle 15 75 adjust angle of all roofs on the lot the sims 2.